South Midwest HERC Monthly Meetup

When:  Apr 23, 2024 from 10:00:00 AM to 11:00:00 AM (CT)
Associated with  South Midwest HERC

Join us for the South Midwest HERC March Monthly Meetup on Tuesday, April 23rd! This month's focus is on leadership programs. We're looking forward to hearing our colleagues share challenges and successes in leadership development, and we'll also share practical resources that you can use on your campus. 

Monthly Meetups are an opportunity to network with colleagues, share resources and ideas, and ask pressing questions in our growing community of practice. These member-driven meetings are also a great way to let HERC know how we can support you in your work and what you'd like to see in future Monthly Meetups. Grab your favorite morning beverage and spend an hour with the South Midwest HERC community as we shape the future of our region.


Invite your colleagues to join us as well - we love to see a variety of roles represented. See you there!

South Midwest HERC's Monthly Meetups occur on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 10:00am Central.